Real Name: Edward Lawrence Lars
Known Aliases:, High Lord of Inner Sanctum, Metamucil, 
  Der Flieghund, Lord Flieghund of the Inner Sanctum, MSE, Ba$tard, 2A2AE,
  Bob, Hey You, Mikey, Dictator-For-Life, Michael Sean Ellars
Gender:  Male		Age:  18
DOB:  MYOB		POB:  Earth
Height:  173cm		Weight:  667N
Hair:  Lots		Eyes:  Two of 'em
Vision:  Bad, but better than some people I know
Shoe Size:  10 1/2 (US)  44.5 (EURO)
Blood Type:  Red	Allergies:  Morons, Excessively Happy People
Religion:  Agnosticism ("Everyone should believe in something; I believe
     I'll have another drink...")
Political Party:  The same one as everyone else -- my own. 8^)
Fraternity:  Alpha Rho Chi (Andronicus)
Species:  Homo sapiens (architecturus)
Major:  Architecture	Year:  First
Favorite Architect:  Frank Lloyd Wright
Favorite Building:  Sydney Opera House
Favorite CAD Software (2d):  AutoCAD (DOS)
Favorite CAD Software (3d):  form-Z (MAC)
Favorite CAD Software (rendering):  form-Z with Render Zone (MAC)
Favorite TV Show:  The X-Files
Favorite X-Files Episode:  "The Erlenmeyer Flask" (1X23)
Favorite Movie (varies):  Real Genius
Favorite Album (varies):  REDNEX, "Sex and Violins"
Favorite Song from Favorite Album:  "Wild and Free" (Track 13)
Favorite Song (varies):  Tears for Fears, "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"
Least Favorite Song:  Hootie and the Blowfish, "Time"  ("Tiiiiiiiiiiiime")
Favorite Color:  Red
Favorite Dinosaur:  Velociraptor mongoliensis
Least Favorite Dinosaur:  Barney (DEATH TO THE PURPLE ANTICHRIST!!!)
Favorite Soup:  Vegetable Beef (tie) Chicken Vegetable
Favorite Dessert:  Mountain High Mudd Pie (Red Robin)
Favorite Ice Cream:  Chocolate Fudge Brownie (Ben & Jerry's)
Favorite Drink:  Dr. Pepper (tie) Pepsi
Favorite Aircraft:  F-16 (tie) SR-71
Favorite Word:  Cool
Favorite Saying:  "This blows goats."
Favorite City (US):  Eugene, OR
Favorite City (World):  Sydney, Australia
Favorite Musical Instrument:  Bagpipes
Favorite Comic Strip (Running):  Geech
Favorite Comic Strip (Ever):  Calvin and Hobbes
Favorite Prognosticator:  Magic Eight Ball
Favorite Cartoon (Current):  Aeon Flux
Favorite Cartoon (Youth):  Tom & Jerry
Favorite Animated Movie (Feature Length):  The Last Unicorn (tie) Fantasia
Favorite Animated Movie (Short):  Bambi meets Godzilla
Favorite Book (varies):  Treason (Orson Scott Card)
Favorite Book Series:  Speaker for the Dead (Orson Scott Card)
Favorite Board Game:  Monopoly
Favorite Card Game:  UNO
Favorite Computer Game:  Doom II (tie) TETRIS
Least Favorite Computer Game:  Descent (a truly inane game)
Dream Computer:  TBA (anything I describe will be obsolete tomorrow)
Nightmare Computer:  Commodore Plus 4

The preceding information was taken from ellars.plan, version 2.41. Any information presented here was current as of the posting date for that version.


M S E D G R T   2 A 2 A E - D I -   D F L   E S Q   D F H   E T C
-=*aLL NeW CooL iS aLWaYS THe RuLe aT []*=- 

04 MAY 1996