
"There are nine orders of angels, to wit, angels, archangels, virtues, powers, principalities, dominations, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim." -- Pope Gregory The Great


Angels are an integral part of both Eastern and Western religions. They are ethereal beings, higher in enlightenment than human beings, located somewhere between humans and the supreme being along the spiritual ladder of importance.

I have been fascinated with angels since my junior year in high-school (around 1994). That was when I discovered that there were different "levels" of angels (called "choirs"), ranging from the relatively mundane up to the extroardinary.

My grandmother has collected angels for decades. My aunt and my mother are also avid angel collectors, though neither's collection comes close to their mother's. This section is dedicated to these people, especially my grandmother, without whom I might never have learned a love for angels.

This section will eventually contain many links and lots of information regarding angels and their lore. In the meantime, I recommend several books as excellent sources of information:

  • Angels A to Z by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver. An in-depth analysis of the angels of Judaic, Christian, Islamic, and various Eastern beliefs. A must-have resource for any serious angel aficionado.
  • In Nomine by Steven Jackson Games. A supernatural role-playing game in which players control angels and demons in a fight for the future of humanity. An excellent angel resource in its own right, regardless of your interest in role-playing games.