Compass SOUTH Special Pages

Flying Dog Productions
FDP is a student-run collaborative I created with the help of several friends. My personal web design "company," MSE Internet Design Services, is one of the founding members.
Germany Page
This was created my freshman year (second semester) for the Freshman Seminar course (FSEM 100c) dealing with issues on the internet, specifically how different "communities," both real and virutal, were affected by the information superhighway. This site has not been updated since that time, so images and links may not function properly.
The Pico Homepage
Dedicated to Pico, the PIne COmposer, a UNIX text-editor.
MSEnet Version3 Colophon
This page includes the MSEnet Version3 Copyright Statement as well as various site awards and affiliations.
Version3 Site Updates
The latest major changes to MSEnet Version3 are listed here.