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MSEnet Version3 Statistics

These statistics represent the page accesses (full-page transfers) of two pages on this site: the MSEnet splash page and the Main navigation page. The counters were both reset 01 January 1998 at 0001 PST.

Splash Page Main Page



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Linking to MSEnet Version3

MSEnet Version3 is not just a random collection of related pages, not just another home page. It is designed as an experience. Therefore, I humbly request that all links to MSEnet Version3 point only to the splash page located at This request is made for a variety of reasons. In addition to the most compelling of them, noted above, is the fact that Version3 is in a state of constant flux. I change pages (and their internet addresses) without notice, and the cost in time and effort on my part to keep old links alive is simply not worth it. So beware: if you link to anywhere other than, you could be setting up a dead link.

If you have a compelling reason to link to an "internal" page, let me know about it so that I can warn you if I change it.

There are a variety of methods you can employ to link to MSEnet Version3. The easiest is a simple hypertext "anchor," or link, in the form of

<A HREF="">MSEnet Version3</A>


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MSEnet Version3 Graphics

I have created dozens of graphics for MSEnet Version3. Most are copyrighted by MSE and are not available for public use. Those that are available for download are listed below. Feel free to use any or all of these graphics on your own site, but please follow two guidelines:

Only link to the address given above (
Please do not modify these images. I have spent a lot of time making them look just they way I wanted, so that they truly represent MSEnet Version3.

Large (432 x 72) MSEnet Version3 Banner. As featured on the NEW MSEnet Splash page; excellent for large horizontal banner-links. 8k

Small (108 x 72) MSEnet Version3 Banner. Formerly on the splash page, now promoted as the "standard" linkable graphic. 7k

Tiny (88 x 22) MSEnet Version3 Banner. Designed for those of you who like the small "Netscape-style" banners. 4k

Tiny (88 x 22) MSEnet Version3 Animated GIF. Animated version of the Tiny MSEnet Version3 Banner. 14k

MSEnet Version3 Movie Poster (250 x 275). As seen on the old splash page! Still as cool as ever, now made rare by its "disappearance." 19k


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MSEnet Version3 Site Evaluation Form

Thanks for your interest in MSEnet Version3. Please take a moment to fill out the following. The items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

Your Name *
Email Address * Female  Male
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This is a:  Question  Comment  Complaint  Suggestion


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MSEnet Version3 (main page)

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